Catherine A. Lesjak, CFO, reported she exercised 11,755 options for $15.75 apiece and then sold a total of 23,490 shares on Thursday and Friday for $45.34 to $45.70 a piece.
Executive VP Shane V. Robinson (strategy and technology officer) exercised options on 125,000 shares for $15.75 to $22.02 a piece. He sold the shares the same day for $45.26 and $45.38 each.
Open market purchases and sales of insiders must be reported within two business days of the transaction.
And it goes on and on.
RépondreSupprimerNow, our management is selling more stock that they buy (with the option discount). Actually, our management is acting like if HP stock was the worst ever to keep.
As employees, we should all remember this !
As shareowners, we should all remember this !
Anyhow, we should all understand that these stock-optionees do get a great deal of the value created by the whole company and its work-force. Actually, they (our management) do get much more than their share since they are never true "hard money" shareowners; they just cash-in the difference between the stock price and the price of the option granted. They never invest in HP stock, they just harvest !
HP actually does pay for this when they (our management, still) decide to spend billions to buy-back the HP stock (for volumes now exceding the creation of new stock through options).
As an employee, I am somewhat disgusted.
As a shareowner, I know who is stealing the money from my pocket.