European trade unions act against compulsory redundancies
and the cutback of benefits at HP and EDS
Demands on European action day on 13th November
Trade union and European Works Council representatives from HP and EDS have already made it clear on several occasions that they will not accept a merger of two companies merge with the aim of downsizing (see EMF press releases of 8th September and 15th October 2008). They have called on the new management to explain how and where the new merged company would grow and how this would benefit its employees. They reject the plans to lay off 9,330 workers. These plans exceed the ‘worst scenario’ expectations held by many.
Against this background, the European trade unions have decided to call on all HP and EDS workers to mobilise on 13th November in a demonstration of European solidarity against the management’s plans.
On 13th November, EMF and UNI-Europa affiliates throughout Europe will undertake local/national actions as a sign of protest against plans for mass redundancies and cutbacks in benefits. They will call for alternative solutions aiming at safeguarding jobs and securing a sustainable future for their companies.
On this day of unity and solidarity, they will call on management to:
- provide full information and proper consultation with the trade union/employee representative bodies both at European and national levels;
- recognise the employees’ right to bargain collectively and to negotiate social plans;
- stop any compulsory redundancies;
- provide a detailed plan for redeployment and re-skilling for those whose jobs are at risk and prepare for anticipated skills shortages;
- create the conditions for the establishment of a new EWC to be built on the best elements and practices of the existing EWCs.
The EMF is the representative body defending the interests of workers in the European metal industry. The EMF has a mandate for the external representation and coordination of the metalworkers' unions and a mandate to engage in bargaining at European level.
UNI-Europa is the European trade union organisation for skills and services.
For further information please contact:
Editor, Peter Scherrer, EMF General Secretary
Isabelle Barthès, EMF Policy Advisor on Company Policy +32(0)2 227 10 12
Gerd Rohde, UNI-Europa + 41 (0)1 792 02 19 28
RépondreSupprimerYou have to wonder if the plight of the french employees is not of their government doing. What company would want to operate in France given its governmental control?
RépondreSupprimerI specifically single out France because I recently traveled to Paris and discussed with people there. I can bring back their concerns: too much work, 35 hours a week is too much, need more vacation.
Honestly, I don't agree with much of what HP is doing lately, but if it were my company, I would pull out of France all together.
What exactly is HP supposed to do, become a welfare company and keep around people it doesn't need? Here in the US we can get walked out the same day. At best we can hope for a 2-week or one month period to look for another job. And guess what, we pick ourselves up, quit whining, and move on.
HP is not the end of the world, if I am good at what I am doing, some other company will want me.
As a VERY long time HP employee, I expect the company to live up to the legacy of Bill Hewlett & Dave Packard. The first thing is honesty!
RépondreSupprimerWe get a WfR package from HP stating clarely we have preference for any open position within HP we're qualified for. At the same time, hidden to us, HP is implementing a process requiring Ann Livermore approval for anyone affected by the EDS integration WfR for ANY position within HP.
To me, this top notch dishonesty!
This once great company is slowly changed into just another large "hire & fire company" with no morals