The common trade union front at HP / EDS call upon you not to accept the individual request for salary reduction.
The common trade union front at HP / EDS call upon you not to accept the individual request for salary reduction.
It is unacceptable that:
- the local unions were not informed.
- the employer addresses individual employees.
- the need for this reduction is unclear and on top of the serious restructuring currently in progress at EDS.
- nothing is given in return (eg. Guarantee on job security, temporary aspect of the measure, -sacrificed pay must eventually return to the employees,…).
- the local unions were not informed.
- the employer addresses individual employees.
- the need for this reduction is unclear and on top of the serious restructuring currently in progress at EDS.
- nothing is given in return (eg. Guarantee on job security, temporary aspect of the measure, -sacrificed pay must eventually return to the employees,…).
You can’t be forced to accept this salary reduction, you have the right to refuse without motivating why.
Management confirms that saying NO to the individual request for reduction will not have negative consequences for the individual.
Above point of view will further be commented on the employee meeting of 9 March.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have additional questions or comments.
Common Trade Union Front EDS & HP
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have additional questions or comments.
Common Trade Union Front EDS & HP
91% of N0 ! in France :
RépondreSupprimerJust found this blog and, reading what is happening now at HP/EDS, I'm kinda glad I got the "we're cutting your job" phonecall - even if it was on the 2nd day back in the new year (Happy 2009. Btw, you're outta here!!). I've not had one single follow-up call from my manager (how you doing? found another job yet? we're sorry this happened), which exemplifies the whole company's **** you attitude to its workforce. Luckily, I found a better job with better pay at a better company - quite astonishing given the current economic climate!
RépondreSupprimerMy advice - try looking for another job before they kick you out or drive you into the ground...there is a (better) life outside of HP! Good luck!